The Way Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus, send down the grace of your Holy Spirit to enlighten me that I may come to know the way to God and the life He has given to me through baptism. Let me embrace you with my whole heart, soul, mind and strength, honor you as my Lord and Savior, build up and look after the church which you have given to me as my spiritual home here on earth. Help me to always be there for those in need so I can be a blessing in their life just as you are a blessing in my life. Amen
Written by Father Frank Milienewicz of blessed memory.

The Wall signifies the protection of our faith. This sturdy foundation, our ground of truth contains eight pillars that your child will learn more about at an age appropriate level:
The Word signifies knowledge about Jesus. This relationship is achieved through scripture from the Orthodox Study Bible.
The Worship signifies how we practice what we know.
The Way signifies how Jesus calls us to act, not only in church, but also the other six days of the week.
The Way Religious Education
Father Justin Rose, Pastor
Alex Kubik, The Way Director
Sharon Baroody, Curriculum Team Chair
Rosalie Ritchey, Educator/Content Specialist
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E-mail us at stgeorgethewayreled@gmail.com
The Pillar and Ground
of Truth
“…I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth.” (1 Timothy 3:15)
Our vision is that our community embraces and lives The Way of Christ. Our Melkite faith should be the foundation on which the Pillars of our behaviors and words are built. Religious education develops student knowledge and understanding of the nature of religion while at the same time evokes challenging questions about the purpose of life, belief in God, self-awareness and the tough realities we face in the world today. Answers to these questions can oftentimes come by studying Holy Scripture, our faith and traditions. Our Sunday School curriculum provides opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development. It enhances awareness and understanding of our Melkite faith and the influence of religion on individuals, families, communities and cultures. Our goal is that adults and children are prepared to face the challenging world we live in today.
Whole Family Education
Click on the links below to find the resources and activities for each pillar.
The Pillars of our faith
Learning and Growing Together
Attend the Divine Liturgy and other weekly services as often as possible.
Attend The Way classes!
If you are out of town make your faith a priority by live-streaming services.
If you are live-streaming services, participate in the service by lighting candles, burning incense standing, singing and being active in prayer.
Create your Domestic church beginning with your icon corner.
Place icons throughout your home and in your bedrooms.
Lead by example. Always remember that parents are the first and forever teachers that our children watch, model and believe.
Set high expectations and support your child in meeting them. Encourage your child to be the best they can be!
The Pillars