The Theotokos
the Nativity and December saints
The Life of the Theotokos
JAM Nativity Play
Just as the prophet proclaimed the coming of a Savior to the people who lived in the Old Testament times, so have the apostles, martyrs and saints proclaimed Christ's birth, death, resurrection and his promise to come again to bring all of us to the Father. For Christians today, Advent or the “coming" of Jesus Christ has many meanings. During these 40 days, we await the celebration of Jesus’s coming to Earth as a man, His birth as a child of the Virgin Mary. By preparing ourselves through prayer, fasting and serving other people, we also prepare to receive Jesus into our lives. And by receiving Jesus into our lives – into our hearts and minds, by living as good Christians and receiving Holy Communion - we also look forward to the time when Jesus will come again “to judge the living and the dead, Whose kingdom shall have no end." All of these "comings” of Jesus to us are important and we can remember each of them during these days of preparation. The Saints announce the coming of Jesus in a special way. They announce the kind of Life Jesus wants us to live, by giving their own lives as examples. Today, we would like to commemorate four saints whose feast we celebrate as we prepare for the birth of Christ our God.
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